1.
When
life
throws
you
a
curveball,
don't
duck.
Swing
hard
and
hit
it
out
of
the
park.
【挑战就是机会】
2.
Adversity
doesn't
define
who
you
are.
How
you
react
to
it
does.
【坚韧的心态才是胜利的关键】
3.
The
darkest
night
is
often
the
bridge
to
the
brightest
tomorrow.
【坚定信念,勇往直前】
4.
Sometimes
the
hurdles
in
life
are
actually
stepping
stones
in
disguise.
【成功的秘诀:变插曲为主题歌】
5.
Be
like
a
bamboo
in
a
storm
-
bend
but
don't
break.
【时间不会为任何人停留,唯有我们自己才是自己的生命主宰】
6.
When
life
knocks
you
down,
don't
stay
down.
Get
up
stronger
and
more
resilient
than
ever
before.
【倒下了就爬起来,比以前更强壮】
7.
Comfort
zones
are
nice,
but
nothing
great
ever
grows
there.
Embrace
discomfort
and
push
the
limits.
【舒适区是稳定,或者是没有进步的地方】
8.
The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
【生命中的光辉绝不在于从未跌倒,而在于每次跌倒都能重新站起来】
9.
Sometimes
the
universe
has
to
break
you
before
it
can
build
you
back
up.
【破碎了才能更完美的重建】
10.
In
the
midst
of
chaos,
there
is
also
opportunity.
Keep
your
eyes
open
for
the
silver
lining.
【越是混乱的时候,越要有进取的心态】
11.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【成功并不等于终点,失败也不致命。
重要的是你要有勇气不断前进】
12.
Every
storm
runs
out
of
rain
eventually.
Keep
your
head
up
and
weather
the
storm.
【每一个风暴终有结束的时候,坚持就是胜利】
13.
Don't
let
fear
of
failure
hold
you
back
from
chasing
your
dreams.
Embrace
failure
as
a
valuable
learning
experience.
【勇于尝试,远离拖延与畏惧】
14.
Sometimes
the
things
we
resist
the
most
are
the
things
we
need
the
most
to
grow.
【扭曲反抗并无用处,我们需要面对和接受生活的现实】
15.
The
only
way
to
make
sense
out
of
change
is
to
plunge
into
it,
move
with
it,
and
join
the
dance.
【与其沉浸在自我怀疑和犹豫中,不如勇敢跳进流变的大海中】
16.
Tough
times
never
last,
but
tough
people
do.
Stay
strong
in
the
face
of
adversity.
【疾风中的秋叶坚强而美丽,也如我们面对逆境的态度】
17.
The
biggest
obstacle
standing
in
the
way
of
your
dreams
is
often
the
person
staring
back
at
you
in
the
mirror.
【真正的敌人往往是自己内心中的恐惧和质疑】
18.
Pain
is
temporary.
It
may
last
a
minute,
or
an
hour,
or
a
day,
or
even
a
year,
but
eventually
it
will
subside
and
something
else
will
take
its
place.
If
you
quit,
however,
it
lasts
forever.
【生命中的痛苦可能会持续很久,但那并不代表你会永远沉溺其中】
19.
The
only
way
to
escape
the
suffering
of
life
is
to
live
it
fully
and
embrace
it.
【逆境不可避免,但你可以选择用怎样的心态去面对它】
20.
Life
is
not
a
smooth,
straight
road.
It's
full
of
twists,
turns,
and
detours.
But
that's
what
makes
the
journey
worth
taking.
【生命就像是一条盘旋的河流,我们需要跟随它,探索它,感悟它】