1.
"The
devil
whispered
in
my
ear,
'You're
not
strong
enough
to
withstand
the
storm.
'
whispered
back,
'I
am
the
storm.
'"
【#DevilWhispered】
2.
"Don't
let
the
devil's
lies
convince
you
that
your
worth
is
determined
by
your
flaws.
"
【#DevilsLies】
3.
"The
devil
knows
your
name,
but
calls
you
by
your
sin.
God
knows
your
sin,
but
calls
you
by
your
name.
"
【#GodCallsYou】
4.
"When
the
devil
starts
bringing
up
your
past,
remind
him
of
his
future.
"
【#RemindTheDevil】
5.
"The
devil
knows
how
to
make
you
feel
alone,
but
remember
that
God
is
always
with
you.
"
【#NeverAlone】
6.
"The
devil's
attacks
may
be
strong,
but
God's
love
is
stronger.
"
【#StrongerLove】
7.
"The
devil
doesn't
want
you
to
know
that
you
have
the
power
to
resist
him.
"
【#ResistTheDevil】
8.
"The
devil
comes
to
steal,
kill,
and
destroy,
but
God
came
to
give
you
life
abundantly.
"
【#AbundantLife】
9.
"When
the
devil
tries
to
bring
you
down,
rise
up
with
the
power
of
God.
"
【#RiseUp】
10.
"The
devil's
lies
may
seem
convincing,
but
the
truth
of
God
will
always
prevail.
"
【#TruthPrevails】
11.
"The
devil
is
a
master
of
deception,
but
God
sees
through
all
his
tricks.
"
【#MasterDeceiver】
12.
"When
the
devil
tries
to
make
you
doubt
your
worth,
remember
that
you
were
fearfully
and
wonderfully
made
by
God.
"
【#FearfullyWonderfullyMade】
13.
"The
devil's
attacks
may
cause
pain,
but
God's
healing
is
always
available.
"
【#HealingAvailable】
14.
"The
devil
has
no
power
over
you
when
you
have
the
armor
of
God
on.
"
【#ArmorOfGod】
15.
"The
devil
may
knock
you
down,
but
you
have
the
choice
to
get
back
up
with
the
strength
of
God.
"
【#GetBackUp】
16.
"When
the
devil
tries
to
make
you
feel
hopeless,
hold
onto
the
hope
that
God
provides.
"
【#HoldOnToHope】
17.
"The
devil
may
try
to
steal
your
joy,
but
God's
joy
is
everlasting.
"
【#EverlastingJoy】
18.
"When
the
devil
tries
to
make
you
feel
unworthy,
remember
that
God's
grace
covers
all
your
sins.
"
【#GraceCovers】
19.
"The
devil
may
try
to
make
you
feel
defeated,
but
with
God
on
your
side,
you
are
always
victorious.
"
【#AlwaysVictorious】
20.
"When
the
devil
tries
to
make
you
feel
alone,
remember
that
God
has
a
plan
for
your
life
and
will
never
leave
you.
"
【#NeverAloneWithGod】