1.
Sometimes,
it's
hard
to
imagine
what
it
really
means
to
live
in
poverty.
【想象一下,生活在贫困中意味着什么】
2.
Poverty
isn't
just
a
lack
of
money;
it's
a
lack
of
opportunities,
choices,
and
resources.
【贫穷不仅是缺乏金钱,还是缺乏机会、选择和资源】
3.
Poverty
can
make
you
feel
invisible,
like
you
don't
matter
to
anyone.
【贫穷让你感觉无形,好像没有人在意你】
4.
When
you're
poor,
every
little
thing
can
seem
like
a
huge
obstacle.
【当你贫穷时,每一件小事都可能变成巨大的障碍】
5.
Poverty
can
make
you
feel
like
you're
constantly
running
uphill,
no
matter
how
hard
you
work.
【贫穷让你感觉像是不断地往山上爬,不管你多么努力】
6.
Living
in
poverty
means
living
with
uncertainty,
insecurity,
and
stress.
【生活在贫困中意味着面临不确定性、不安全和压力】
7.
Poverty
can
affect
every
aspect
of
your
life,
from
your
health
to
your
relationships.
【贫穷可以影响你生活的方方面面,从健康到人际关系】
8.
When
you're
poor,
you
have
to
make
tough
choices
every
day
about
what
you
can
afford
and
what
you
can't.
【当你贫穷时,你每一天都要做出艰难的选择,关于你能买得起什么和不能买得起什么】
9.
Poverty
can
be
a
trap
that's
hard
to
escape
from,
no
matter
how
hard
you
try.
【贫穷可能是一个难以逃脱的陷阱,无论你多么努力】
10.
When
you're
poor,
you
have
to
rely
on
others
for
help
and
support,
which
can
be
humiliating
and
demoralizing.
【当你贫穷时,你必须依靠他人的帮助和支持,这可能会让你感到羞耻和泄气】
11.
Poverty
can
make
you
feel
like
you're
always
one
step
away
from
disaster.
【贫穷让你感觉好像你总是离灾难只有一步之遥】
12.
When
you're
poor,
you
don't
get
to
choose
the
life
you
want;
you
have
to
settle
for
the
life
you
can
afford.
【当你贫穷时,你不能选择自己想要的生活,你必须接受自己能够负担得起的生活】
13.
Poverty
can
rob
you
of
your
dignity,
self-respect,
and
sense
of
worth.
【贫穷可能剥夺你的尊严、自尊和自我价值感】
14.
When
you're
poor,
you
have
to
work
harder
than
most
people
just
to
survive.
【当你贫穷时,你必须比大多数人更加努力才能生存】
15.
Poverty
can
make
you
feel
like
you've
been
dealt
a
bad
hand
in
life,
and
there's
nothing
you
can
do
to
change
it.
【贫穷使你感觉像是生活已经对你不公,而你无能为力改变它】
16.
When
you're
poor,
you
don't
have
the
luxury
of
dreaming
big;
you
have
to
focus
on
getting
through
each
day.
【当你贫穷时,你没有奢华的大梦想,你只能专注于度过每一天】
17.
Poverty
can
make
you
feel
like
you're
stuck
in
a
hole
that
keeps
getting
deeper
and
deeper.
【贫穷可能让你感觉好像你被困在一个越来越深的洞里】
18.
When
you're
poor,
you
don't
have
the
luxury
of
taking
risks;
you
have
to
play
it
safe.
【当你贫穷时,你没有冒险的奢侈,你必须玩得安全】
19.
Poverty
can
take
away
your
hope,
your
ambition,
and
your
dreams.
【贫穷可以夺去你的希望、抱负和梦想】
20.
When
you're
poor,
you
don't
always
get
to
choose
the
path
you
take
in
life;
sometimes,
it
chooses
you.
【当你贫穷时,你并不总是能够选择你在生命中的道路;有时候,它会选择你】