1.
"As
a
teacher,
it
breaks
my
heart
to
see
apathy
and
disinterest
in
my
classroom.
"
【心如刀割】
2.
"No
matter
how
much
effort
put
into
shaping
young
minds,
the
reality
is
that
some
students
just
don't
care.
"
【无能为力】
3.
"Sometimes
it
feels
like
I'm
talking
to
a
brick
wall
when
trying
to
get
through
to
my
students.
"
【快崩溃了】
4.
"I
wish
more
students
had
a
thirst
for
knowledge,
instead
of
just
going
through
the
motions.
"
【渴求不已】
5.
"Teaching
is
a
thankless
job
when
students
refuse
to
engage
and
make
an
effort
towards
their
own
education.
"
【黯然神伤】
6.
"It's
hard
to
motivate
students
when
they
have
no
goals
and
seemingly
no
ambition
in
life.
"
【没有方向】
7.
"The
lack
of
respect
towards
education
is
a
concerning
trend
that
needs
to
be
addressed.
"
【痛心疾首】
8.
"I
often
wonder
if
my
efforts
as
a
teacher
will
ever
make
a
significant
impact
on
my
students'
lives.
"
【苦心孤诣】
9.
"As
an
educator,
witnessing
the
decline
of
basic
literacy
and
critical
thinking
skills
is
disheartening.
"
【无可奉告】
10.
"Teaching
requires
patience,
resilience,
and
a
constant
source
of
optimism,
even
when
faced
with
constant
disappointment.
"
【虚与委蛇】
11.
"It's
frustrating
to
see
students
passively
receive
a
free
education
without
realizing
the
value
of
it.
"
【视若无睹】
12.
"Apathy
in
the
classroom
is
contagious,
but
so
is
enthusiasm;
it's
our
job
as
teachers
to
spread
the
latter.
"
【化干戈为玉帛】
13.
"Teachers
have
a
huge
responsibility
in
molding
future
leaders,
but
it's
a
task
made
difficult
by
a
lack
of
interest
in
learning.
"
【责任重大】
14.
"When
students
don't
care
about
their
education,
they're
essentially
throwing
away
a
huge
opportunity
for
their
future
success.
"
【自作自受】
15.
"Seeing
the
light
turn
on
in
a
student's
mind
is
one
of
the
most
rewarding
feelings
in
the
world,
but
it's
rare
when
it
happens
these
days.
"
【意犹未尽】
16.
"Education
is
a
privilege,
not
a
burden,
and
it's
unfortunate
that
not
everyone
realizes
that.
"
【负重前行】
17.
"When
students
put
forth
an
effort
and
show
interest,
it
makes
all
the
difference
in
the
world
for
a
teacher.
"
【感同身受】
18.
"It's
difficult
to
teach
a
class
when
half
the
students
are
absent-mindedly
scrolling
through
their
phones.
"
【走神】
19.
"We
need
to
find
a
way
to
inspire
students
to
care
about
their
education
and
future,
before
it's
too
late.
"
【天佑我华】
20.
"As
a
teacher,
my
hope
is
that
I'm
making
an
impact
on
at
least
one
student's
life,
despite
the
lack
of
enthusiasm
towards
learning.
"
【丰功伟绩】