1.
"Gratitude
is
not
only
the
greatest
of
virtues,
but
the
parent
of
all
others.
"
-
Cicero
【感恩不仅是最伟大的美德,而且是所有其他美德的源头。
】
2.
"When
we
give
cheerfully
and
accept
gratefully,
everyone
is
blessed.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【当我们愉快地给予,并感恩地接受时,每个人都会受到祝福。
】
3.
"Gratitude
unlocks
the
fullness
of
life.
It
turns
what
we
have
into
enough,
and
more.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【感恩可以打开生命的丰满。
它可以将我们所拥有的转变为足够,甚至更多。
】
4.
"In
life,
one
has
a
choice
to
take
one
of
two
paths:
to
wait
for
some
special
day--or
to
celebrate
each
special
day.
"
-
Rasheed
Ogunlaru
【在生活中,一个人可以选择两条路:等待某个特殊的日子——或者庆祝每个特别的日子。
】
5.
"Gratitude
is
the
fairest
blossom
which
springs
from
the
soul.
"
-
Henry
Ward
Beecher
【感恩是从灵魂中发芽的最美的花朵。
】
6.
"Gratitude
is
a
powerful
catalyst
for
happiness.
It’s
the
spark
that
lights
a
fire
of
joy
in
your
soul.
"
-
Amy
Collette
【感恩是快乐的有力催化剂。
它是点燃你心灵中欢乐之火的火花。
】
7.
"Gratitude
is
the
healthiest
of
all
human
emotions.
The
more
you
express
gratitude
for
what
you
have,
the
more
likely
you
will
have
even
more
to
express
gratitude
for.
"
-
Zig
Ziglar
【感恩是最健康的人类情感。
你越是对自己拥有的东西表达感激之情,你就越有可能会有更多感激的事物。
】
8.
"Gratitude
is
a
quality
similar
to
electricity:
it
must
be
produced
and
discharged
and
used
up
in
order
to
exist
at
all.
"
-
William
Faulkner
【感恩是与电力类似的品质:必须制造、释放和消耗,以便存在。
】
9.
"Silent
gratitude
isn’t
very
much
use
to
anyone.
"
-
Gertrude
Stein
【无言的感激对任何人都没有太多的用处。
】
10.
"Gratitude
is
the
memory
of
the
heart.
"
-
Jean
Baptiste
Massieu
【感恩是心灵的记忆。
】
11.
"Gratitude
is
a
currency
that
we
can
mint
for
ourselves,
and
spend
without
fear
of
bankruptcy.
"
-
Fred
De
Witt
Van
Amburgh
【感恩是我们可以自己制造的货币,并且可以毫无顾虑地花费。
】
12.
"Gratitude
is
the
antidote
to
fear.
Fear
is
just
the
absence
of
love,
and
gratitude
fills
that
space.
"
-
Jenny
Blake
【感恩是对抗恐惧的解药。
恐惧只是缺乏爱,而感恩可以填补那个空间。
】
13.
"Gratitude
makes
sense
of
our
past,
brings
peace
for
today,
and
creates
a
vision
for
tomorrow.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【感恩让我们的过去变得有意义,为今天带来和平,并为明天创造了愿景。
】
14.
"Gratitude
turns
what
we
have
into
enough,
and
more.
It
turns
denial
into
acceptance,
chaos
into
order,
confusion
into
clarity.
.
.
it
makes
sense
of
our
past,
brings
peace
for
today,
and
creates
a
vision
for
tomorrow.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【感恩将我们所拥有的变成足够,并且更多。
它可以将否定变成接受,混乱变成秩序,困惑变成明晰.
.
.
.
.
.
它让我们的过去有了意义,为今天带来和平,并为明天创造了愿景。
】
15.
"An
attitude
of
gratitude
brings
great
things.
"
-
Yogi
Bhajan
【一种感恩的态度会带来伟大的事情。
】
16.
"Gratitude
is
the
most
exquisite
form
of
courtesy.
"
-
Jacques
Maritain
【感恩是最精致的礼貌形式。
】
17.
"Gratitude
is
the
wine
for
the
soul.
Go
on.
Get
drunk.
"
-
Rumi
【感恩是灵魂的美酒。
继续享受。
畅饮。
】
18.
"Gratitude
can
transform
common
days
into
thanksgivings,
turn
routine
jobs
into
joy,
and
change
ordinary
opportunities
into
blessings.
"
-
William
Arthur
Ward
【感恩可以将平凡的日子变成感恩节,将例行的工作转变为快乐,将普通的机会变成祝福。
】
19.
"Gratitude
is
not
only
the
greatest
of
virtues,
but
the
parent
of
all
others.
"
-
Marcus
Tullius
Cicero
【感恩不仅是所有美德中最伟大的,而且是所有其他美德的源头。
】
20.
"The
roots
of
all
goodness
lie
in
the
soil
of
appreciation
for
goodness.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
【所有的善良之根都扎在对善良的赞赏中。
】