1.
"Love
may
say
hello,
but
sometimes
it's
just
as
important
to
bid
it
farewell.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
2.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
cling
to
a
love
that
has
turned
cold.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
3.
"Saying
goodbye
to
the
person
you
once
loved
is
an
incredibly
brave
act
of
self-love.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
4.
"Closure
comes
from
within,
not
from
the
person
we
are
saying
goodbye
to.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
5.
"The
end
of
one
relationship
simply
paves
the
way
for
the
beginning
of
another.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
6.
"Saying
goodbye
to
someone
you
still
love
is
like
cutting
off
a
piece
of
your
own
heart.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
7.
"Sometimes
the
best
way
to
show
love
is
by
letting
someone
go.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
8.
"When
it's
time
to
say
goodbye,
remember
the
good
times
and
learn
from
the
bad
ones.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
9.
"Knowing
when
to
walk
away
is
wisdom,
being
able
to
is
courage,
letting
go
is
love.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
10.
"As
hard
as
it
may
be
to
say
goodbye,
sometimes
it's
necessary
for
our
own
growth
and
happiness.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
11.
"Moving
on
from
a
love
that's
ended
may
be
difficult,
but
staying
stuck
in
the
past
is
even
harder.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
12.
"Breaking
up
may
feel
like
the
end
of
the
world,
but
it's
actually
a
new
beginning.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
13.
"Saying
farewell
to
someone
who's
hurt
us
can
be
liberating,
it
allows
us
to
take
control
of
our
own
happiness.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
14.
"Closure
isn't
about
finding
an
explanation,
it's
about
accepting
that
the
relationship
is
over.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
15.
"It's
okay
to
grieve
the
loss
of
a
relationship,
it's
a
sign
of
how
much
we
cared.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
16.
"Saying
goodbye
to
someone
we
love
can
be
the
hardest
thing
we
ever
have
to
do,
but
sometimes
it's
necessary
for
our
own
well-being.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
17.
"Letting
go
of
a
love
that's
ended
is
painful,
but
holding
on
to
it
when
it's
over
is
even
more
so.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
18.
"True
love
doesn't
mean
holding
on
to
someone
who's
no
longer
meant
to
be
in
our
lives.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
19.
"Saying
goodbye
doesn't
mean
forgetting,
it
means
we're
ready
to
start
a
new
chapter
in
our
lives.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】
20.
"The
road
to
healing
after
a
breakup
may
be
long
and
difficult,
but
it's
worth
it
in
the
end.
"
【告别爱情好句子英文】