1.
"Love
has
brought
us
together
forever!"
【感情万岁!
表姐领证了!
】
2.
"Formalizing
our
love
was
the
perfect
way
to
celebrate
our
commitment!"
【我们的爱情即将迈入下一步,表姐领证了!
】
3.
"I'm
so
happy
to
have
found
my
soulmate
in
life.
"
【祝福表姐,领证完成!
】
4.
"Love
knows
no
bounds
and
today,
our
love
stands
true
to
its
meaning!"
【爱情不分国界,表姐跨越阶层,领证了!
】
5.
"It's
official:
my
cousin
has
found
her
forever
love!"
【表姐的青春正式落幕,红娘的角色完成使命了,恭喜领证!
】
6.
"Together
we
are
stronger
and
our
love
will
stand
the
test
of
time.
"
【爱情的百态,我们都体会过,今天我们共同走向幸福,表姐领证了!
】
7.
"My
heart
is
filled
with
joy
as
watch
my
cousin
and
her
beloved
tie
the
knot.
"
【人生大事,祝福永远!
表姐领证,幸福到永远!
】
8.
"Two
hearts,
one
love:
it
doesn't
get
better
than
that.
"
【我的表姐终于抱得头彩了,祝福一对新人!
】
9.
"Words
can't
describe
the
happiness
feel
seeing
my
cousin
marry
her
soulmate.
"
【人长大了就明白,家人的幸福就是自己的幸福,祝福表姐幸福一生!
】
10.
"May
your
love
for
each
other
only
continue
to
grow
stronger
with
each
passing
day.
"
【爱情的力量确实伟大,表姐和她的爱人已经结为夫妇!
】
11.
"Today
marks
the
start
of
a
journey
filled
with
love,
joy,
and
beautiful
moments.
"
【表姐,你的青春之光再次照耀!
恭喜领证!
】
12.
"Congratulations
to
my
cousin
and
her
partner
on
their
special
day!"
【神仙操作:表姐剪掉了最后一人走完的尾巴,就连是否领证也不让人半分悬念!
】
13.
"Wishing
you
both
a
lifetime
of
love
and
happiness
together.
"
【感谢微信,让我们知道了表姐领证的好消息,祝福两个人!
】
14.
"May
your
love
story
inspire
others
to
seek
the
kind
of
love
and
commitment
you
share.
"
【因为你的脚步,我们被带入一个充满惬意的时间里,看到了愉快的事情,表姐领证是大事!
】
15.
"Cheers
to
the
bride
and
groom,
forever
bound
in
love
and
commitment!"
【今天,纪念两个人爱情的仪式,表姐和她的另一半,领证了!
】
16.
"May
love
and
light
always
guide
your
path
together.
"
【人生如此短暂,所以对于这个渺小,但又变得很重要的世界,我们应该用更多的爱来维护,表姐领证了要请吃大餐!
】
17.
"Today
we
celebrate
the
love,
connection,
and
commitment
of
two
beautiful
souls.
"
【爱情需要被感受,需要被珍惜,我们祝福表姐的爱情可以经得住时间的考验,领证成功!
】
18.
"May
your
love
story
be
an
epic
tale
of
resilience,
passion,
and
unconditional
love.
"
【我们相信:真爱不会轻易抛弃你!
表姐领证了!
】
19.
"Two
hearts
that
beat
as
one:
congratulations
on
finding
forever
love.
"
【爱情有多少维度,世界有几多彩色,表姐的爱情揭开了最后一道神秘的面纱!
】
20.
"May
your
love
for
each
other
continue
to
grow
brighter
and
stronger
every
single
day.
"
【祝福表姐和她的爱人,共创美好人生!
】