1.
"I
tried
to
organize
a
hide
and
seek
tournament,
but
it
was
really
hard
to
find
good
players,
they
were
all
hiding!"
2.
"I
asked
my
dog
what's
the
best
way
to
make
a
cup
of
tea,
he
just
stared
at
me.
guess
he
prefers
bones
over
brews.
"
【#DogLogic】
3.
"I
don't
always
talk
to
myself,
but
when
do,
use
a
British
accent
and
pretend
I'm
on
Downton
Abbey.
"
【TeaTime】
4.
"I'm
not
your
average
person,
I'm
an
avocado
on
toast
kind
of
girl.
"
【BreakfastGoals】
5.
"I
put
my
phone
in
the
fridge
by
accident,
it's
now
a
cold
call.
"
【ChillCall】
6.
"I
told
my
wife
she
was
drawing
her
eyebrows
too
high.
She
looked
surprised.
"
【PunnyBusiness】
7.
"I
can
resist
anything
except
temptation.
.
.
and
cookies.
"
【CookieMonster】
8.
"I
have
a
photographic
memory,
but
unfortunately
don't
have
any
film.
"【SayCheese!】
9.
"I
tried
to
catch
some
fog
earlier,
but
mist.
"
【MistyHumor】
10.
"I'm
not
sure
if
I'm
the
only
one
who
loves
to
read
the
dictionary,
but
find
it
quite
redefining.
"
【WordNerd】
11.
"I
told
my
doctor
broke
my
arm
in
two
places.
He
told
me
to
stop
going
to
those
places.
"
【HospitalHumor】
12.
"I'm
not
lazy,
I'm
just
energy
efficient.
"
【EfficiencyIsKey】
13.
"I
tried
to
make
a
belt
out
of
watches,
but
it
was
a
waist
of
time.
"
【TimelessJokes】
14.
"I
can't
believe
got
fired
from
the
calendar
factory.
All
did
was
take
a
day
off.
"
【CalendarComedy】
15.
"I
have
a
fear
of
speed
bumps,
call
it
hurdling
derphobia.
"
【PhobiaFun】
16.
"I'm
not
arguing,
I'm
just
explaining
why
I'm
right.
"
【DebateDiva】
17.
"I
hate
it
when
people
steal
my
ideas,
before
I've
even
thought
of
them.
"
【BrainStormer】
18.
"I'm
not
short,
I'm
just
concentrated
awesome.
"
【ShortButSweet】
19.
"I'm
not
procrastinating,
I'm
just
prioritizing
my
procrastination.
"
【ProcrastinationPriorities】
20.
"I
tried
to
start
a
hot
air
balloon
business,
but
it
never
really
took
off.
"
【UpInTheAir】