.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
a
canvas
furnished
by
nature
and
embroidered
by
imagination.
"
-
Voltaire
【Love】
2.
"In
all
the
world,
there
is
no
heart
for
me
like
yours.
In
all
the
world,
there
is
no
love
for
you
like
mine.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【Longing】
3.
"Love
is
not
finding
someone
to
live
with;
it's
finding
someone
you
can't
live
without.
"
-
Rafael
Ortiz
【Irreplaceable】
4.
"Love
does
not
consist
in
gazing
at
each
other,
but
in
looking
outward
together
in
the
same
direction.
"
-
Antoine
de
Saint-Exupéry
【Unity】
5.
"When
you
realize
you
want
to
spend
the
rest
of
your
life
with
somebody,
you
want
the
rest
of
your
life
to
start
as
soon
as
possible.
"
-
Nora
Ephron
【Forever】
6.
"Love
is
a
game
that
two
can
play
and
both
win.
"
-
Eva
Gabor
【Mutual】
7.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul;
that
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
the
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
"
-
Nicholas
Sparks
【Passion】
8.
"Love
is
like
a
friendship
caught
on
fire.
In
the
beginning
a
flame,
very
pretty,
often
hot
and
fierce,
but
still
only
light
and
flickering.
As
love
grows
older,
our
hearts
mature
and
our
love
becomes
as
coals,
deep-burning
and
unquenchable.
"
-
Bruce
Lee
【Intense】
9.
"Love
never
dies
of
a
natural
death.
It
dies
because
we
don't
know
how
to
replenish
its
source.
It
dies
of
blindness
and
errors
and
betrayals.
It
dies
of
illness
and
wounds;
it
dies
of
weariness,
of
witherings,
of
tarnishings.
"
-
Anaïs
Nin
【Nurture】
10.
"Love
is
that
condition
in
which
the
happiness
of
another
person
is
essential
to
your
own.
"
-
Robert
A.
Heinlein
【Selflessness】
11.
"You
don't
love
someone
for
their
looks,
or
their
clothes,
or
for
their
fancy
car,
but
because
they
sing
a
song
only
you
can
hear.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【Unique】
12.
"Love
recognizes
no
barriers.
It
jumps
hurdles,
leaps
fences,
penetrates
walls
to
arrive
at
its
destination
full
of
hope.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【Boundless】
13.
"Love
is
not
about
how
many
days,
weeks,
or
months
you've
been
together,
it's
all
about
how
much
you
love
each
other
every
single
day.
"
-
Unknown
【Consistency】
14.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
-
Nicholas
Sparks
【Invisible】
15.
"Love
is
composed
of
a
single
soul
inhabiting
two
bodies.
"
-
Aristotle
【Connection】
16.
"The
greatest
happiness
of
life
is
the
conviction
that
we
are
loved;
loved
for
ourselves,
or
rather,
loved
in
spite
of
ourselves.
"
-
Victor
Hugo
【Acceptance】
17.
"Love
is
not
something
you
find.
Love
is
something
that
finds
you.
"
-
Loretta
Young
【Destiny】
18.
"Love
is
when
you
have
a
bad
day,
but
then
you
see
the
one
you
love
and
everything
seems
to
be
okay.
"
-
Unknown
【Comfort】
19.
"Love
isn't
something
you
find.
Love
is
something
that
finds
you.
"
-
Unknown
【Serendipity】
20.
"Love
is
the
greatest
refreshment
in
life.
"
-
Pablo
Picasso
【Revitalizing】