1.
home
is
not
just
a
dwelling,
it's
a
feeling
that
surrounds
you
with
warmth
and
comfort.
【感受到温馨和舒适的居所不只是一个住所。
】
2.
house
may
be
made
of
bricks
and
beams,
but
it's
the
memories
that
make
it
a
home.
【一个住所可能是由砖块和横杆组成,但就是记忆使它成为生活的家。
】
3.
Home
is
not
just
where
you
sleep,
it's
where
dreams
come
alive.
【归属感不只是你睡觉的地方,还是你梦想实现的地方。
】
4.
home
is
a
place
to
come
back
to,
a
place
where
you
know
you
belong.
【一个居所是你回来的地方,一个你知道你归属的地方。
】
5.
Home
is
where
love
resides,
memories
are
created,
and
happiness
never
ends.
【归属感是爱的居所,是记忆的创造地,也是永久的幸福。
】
6.
home
fills
your
life
with
laughter,
friendship,
and
love
-
the
things
that
really
matter.
【一个居所让你的生活充满笑声、友谊和爱,这才是真正重要的。
】
7.
Home
isn't
a
place,
it's
a
feeling.
It's
where
you
feel
safe
and
comfortable,
where
you
can
be
yourself.
【家不只是一个地方,它是一种感觉。
它让你感到安全和舒适,让你做自己。
】
8.
home
is
a
reflection
of
who
you
are,
a
place
where
your
personality
shines
through.
【一个居所是你的反映,是你的个性闪耀出来的地方。
】
9.
Home
is
where
the
heart
is,
and
where
you
can
always
find
peace
and
solace.
【归属感在心中,是你可以永远找到平和和慰藉的地方。
】
10.
home
is
a
foundation
for
your
life,
a
place
where
you
can
grow
and
thrive.
【一个居所是你人生的基石,是你成长和蓬勃发展的地方。
】
11.
Home
is
where
your
family
is,
where
you
create
memories
that
will
last
a
lifetime.
【归属感就在你的家庭中,是你创造一生的记忆的地方。
】
12.
home
is
a
sanctuary
from
the
outside
world,
a
place
where
you
can
recharge
and
rejuvenate.
【一个居所是外部世界的避难所,是你可以充电和恢复活力的地方。
】
13.
Home
is
where
you
find
love,
where
you
learn
to
love,
and
where
your
heart
is
always
full.
【家是你发现爱的地方,是你学会爱的地方,也是你的心永远充满的地方。
】
14.
home
is
a
place
where
you
can
be
silly,
crazy,
and
weird,
without
judgment
or
criticism.
【一个居所,你可以傻乎乎、疯疯癫癫、奇奇怪怪的,没有批评和指责。
】
15.
Home
is
where
you
can
shut
the
world
out
and
just
be
yourself,
without
any
pretenses
or
masks.
【家是你可以排除世界而做自己的地方,没有伪装或假面具。
】
16.
home
is
a
place
where
your
dreams
grow,
your
imagination
runs
wild,
and
your
creativity
flourishes.
【一个居所,是你的梦想生长、想象狂奔、创造力蓬勃发展的地方。
】
17.
Home
is
where
you
can
be
vulnerable,
share
your
fears,
and
find
support
from
the
people
who
love
you.
【家是你可以很脆弱,分享你的恐惧,并从爱你的人那里找到支持的地方。
】
18.
home
is
where
you
can
find
peace,
no
matter
what
chaos
or
turmoil
is
going
on
in
the
world
around
you.
【一个居所,是你可以找到平和,不管你周围的世界正在经历什么混乱或骚乱。
】
19.
Home
is
where
you
can
find
your
soulmate,
where
you
can
create
a
life
full
of
love,
laughter,
and
adventure.
【归属感是你可以找到你的灵魂伴侣的地方,在那里你可以创造一个充满爱、笑声和冒险的生活。
】
20.
home
is
a
place
that
offers
comfort
and
warmth,
where
you
can
heal
your
soul
and
find
happiness.
【一个居所,提供舒适和温馨,你可以治愈你的灵魂,找到幸福。
】