
编辑:admin 2024-05-25 08:21:17 -




  1. 面试英语实用口语句子大全40:换工作(mp3)
  2. 有关于面试结束的英语口语句子


1.The work given to me is rather dull. I want to develop my abilities in a large company like here.


2.What made you decide to change your job?

3.I know from your resume that you are working as an administration assistant in a trading company. Why do you plan to change your job?


4. I am working in small company where further promotion is impossible. I am capable of more responsibilities so I decided to change my job. I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.


5. I would like to have a job that is more lively than my present one. Besides I would like to practise my English in my work. As my present employer deals with trade towards China only there aren’t more chances to speak English.


6. Because I am looking for a company that I really want to work for so that I could settle down and make a long-term contribution.


7. My first job was a well established company where the division of labour was very clear. I did not have more chances to enrich my experience. Then I got an opportunity to really broaden my experience with a new company that was starting up but unfortunately they closed their service in three months time. I have worked in my present company for a considerable length of time and enjoy my job I am now doing but I think I have accumulated enough experience to take up more challenging post in a much larger and diversified company where I could make solid contributions.


8. What’s the reason that you left your previous employer?

9. I'm leaving the present post just because of expiry of my employment contract.


10. The work is not bad. But the salary is too small.


11. To speak frankly I did not enjoy the work very much because there was not much for me to do at my post.


13. My main responsibility is trouble-shooting between top management and the general employees.


14. Would you tell me the general description of your present job?


15. My reason for leaving my present employment is simply that I see no chance of advancement.


16. I left them last week because of a disagreement with the president Mr. Lin.


17. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.


18. I am leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporters office.


19. The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want a chance to better myself.


20. I am leaving our office to care for my elderly mother in a distant city.


21. Unfortunately I had to leave my position as my employer liquidated the company business.


22. I want to quit the present job because I find it not as challenging as I previously expected.


23. It’s not that I don’t like my present job. In fact I enjoyed some parts of it very much. What really matter is I have already reached the top salary bracket. Besides there is little chance of my getting promoted. Since your company has just started business in China I believe there will be more opportunities for advancement.


24. I’ve been in the employment of the present company for nearly four years. But I’m planning to leave it because I don’t think the salary is equal to my work.


25. I became an employee of the G&S company soon after my graduation from college. I’ve been with this company for more than ten years. Ten years is a quite long time for anyone. I want to join you for a change.


26. Actually I like my previous job very much. But the boss made me feel disappointed because he seemed to judge a person not by his abilities but by his social relations. I simply couldn’t go any further. So I decided to change a job.


27. I had to leave my last post because I couldn’t stand my superior any longer. He was officious and always found fault with everything I did. There was no way to make him pleased.


28. I know that the Macao branch of your bank opened only a few weeks ago. Your bank enjoys very good reputation and your business in this area is just starting to grow. Certainly working at your bank will give me more opportunities to advance. That is why I’ve come for an interview.


29. Your company is my most favoured choice. I finally choose it out of a dozen joint-venture companies because I know its history very well. It was set up in Chicago about fifty years ago and developed quickly ever since then. By now it has become the largest chemical company of its kind in the world with 50000 employees all over the world.


30. As you said I have changed jobs quite often. The only reason was that I wanted to get more interesting work. That is why I am applying for this post in your firm.


31. It is the location of your company that has attracted me the most. You know I used to spend an hour on the way to my previous job. But now it takes me only ten minutes to get here by bike. Surely I will take a job closer to my house. 1 10


32. Many young people are crazy about becoming tour guides. Fm not a exception. I like travelling. There is nothing more marvelous than meeting and dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds. Besides I don’t want to miss a chance to know my own country people and culture.


33. At that period my health condition did not allow me to work under great work pressure.


34. I enjoyed some parts of my former job but economically its not fairly stable.


36.There's no chance of advancement and I want to have a job which offers me opportunity for advancement.


37.One reason that I would like to be employed with your firm is that you are dealing with import and export trade. I would look forward to dealing with oversea companies and at the same time having a chance to use English more.


38.Just because your company is a new one and I think I’ll be given more opportunities and the working conditions and surroundings are so excellent here.


39. I can make use of the professional experience I have obtained.


40. Your firm has a great future and is conducive to the further development of my abilities.


41. For an excellent working environment.



〖Two〗、 1) Do you have any questions you want to ask?

〖Three〗、 2) When will I know your decision?

〖Four〗、 3) How can we get in touch with you?

〖Five〗、 4) I can be reached at my office during work hours and at home in the evening.


〖Seven〗、 5) Thank you for your interest in our company.

〖Eight〗、 6) I抣l look forward to hearing from you.

〖Nine〗、 7) Well, that抯 all for the interview.

〖Ten〗、 8) And do I need the second interview?

1〖One〗、 3) I am calling you to thank you for the interview yesterday.


1〖Three〗、 4) It抯 thoughtful of you to call me again.


1〖Five〗、 5) I am just calling to say thanks for the interview.


1〖Seven〗、 6) We have narrowed it down to you and two other candidates.


1〖Nine〗、 7) Do you have any questions we didn抰 cover in the interview?


2〖One〗、 1) I am just calling to follow up on the status of the Sales Manager position.


2〖Three〗、 2) We haven抰 made any decision yet.

2〖Four〗、 3) Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision?


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