1.
"To
know
someone
deeply
is
to
truly
see
the
beauty
of
their
soul.
"
【相识,方知人间值得】
2.
"Real
friendship
requires
transparency
and
vulnerability.
"
【彼此透明,纯洁的友谊才长久】
3.
"In
the
moments
of
silence,
we
learn
the
most
about
each
other.
"
【静而思之,方知朋友内心的世界】
4.
"True
love
is
the
warmth
that
comes
from
knowing
someone's
deepest
fears
and
darkest
secrets.
"
【真爱,是在承受对方心底的恐惧和秘密后所体现出来的温暖】
5.
"A
true
friend
is
one
who
knows
all
your
flaws
and
still
accepts
you
for
who
you
are.
"
【真正的友谊,就是了解对方的缺点,却依然接纳对方本来的样子】
6.
"The
beauty
of
a
deep
connection
is
the
effortless
understanding
that
comes
with
it.
"
【相知深入,无需言语须臾间便能互通】
7.
"Intimate
conversations
are
the
key
to
unlocking
the
hidden
depths
of
a
person's
soul.
"
【亲密交谈,是张开灵魂之门的钥匙】
8.
"The
bond
between
two
people
who
truly
understand
each
other
is
unbreakable.
"
【相知相惜,天荒地老】
9.
"To
truly
know
someone,
one
must
be
willing
to
explore
the
depths
of
their
humanity.
"
【真正的相知,需要深入了解彼此的人性】
10.
"The
greatest
intimacy
exists
in
the
moments
shared
between
two
souls.
"
【灵魂相知,仅需短短共处的一刻】
11.
"True
understanding
requires
empathy
and
the
willingness
to
see
the
world
through
someone
else's
eyes.
"
【相知无需过分解读,需要的是站在对方的角度去理解】
12.
"The
beauty
of
true
friendship
is
the
ability
to
be
yourself
without
fear
of
judgment.
"
【友谊的美好在于,能够展现真实的自我,而不担心被评判】
13.
"The
foundation
of
any
lasting
relationship
is
built
on
a
deep
understanding
of
each
other's
values
and
beliefs.
"
【持久关系的基础在于互相理解和尊重内心的信仰观念】
14.
"The
beauty
of
someone's
soul
is
revealed
in
the
moments
when
they
let
down
their
guard
and
reveal
their
true
selves.
"
【有时候,当一个人放下防备,展现真实的自我,灵魂的美丽便会显露无疑】
15.
"To
truly
know
someone,
one
must
be
willing
to
weather
the
storms
of
life
together.
"
【彼此相知相伴,风雨同舟】
16.
"The
ability
to
be
vulnerable
is
the
key
to
unlocking
true
intimacy.
"
【敢于脆弱,是开启真正亲密关系的钥匙】
17.
"True
understanding
of
another
person
requires
putting
aside
one's
own
judgments
and
biases.
"
【理解别人需要放下自身的偏见和评判】
18.
"The
beauty
of
a
deep
connection
is
the
unspoken
understanding
that
exists
between
two
souls.
"
【深入相知,无需言语说出的默契惺惺相惜】
19.
"True
friendship
requires
a
willingness
to
be
patient
and
understanding
during
times
of
struggle.
"
【真正的友谊需要在困难时刻里耐心相待,理解对方】
20.
"To
truly
know
someone,
one
must
be
willing
to
share
in
both
their
joys
and
their
sorrows.
"
【相知深入,需要和对方一起分享喜怒哀乐】