.jpg)
1.
"You
had
me
at
‘hello’.
"
-Jerry
Maguire
【感动人心的开始】
2.
"To
me,
you
are
perfect.
"
-Love
Actually
【完美的你】
3.
"I
will
always
love
you.
"
-The
Bodyguard
【永恒的爱情】
4.
"You
make
me
want
to
be
a
better
man.
"
-As
Good
As
It
Gets
【改变命运的你】
5.
"I
don't
want
to
let
you
go.
"
-The
Notebook
【舍不得的离别】
6.
"I
would
rather
spend
one
lifetime
with
you
than
face
all
the
ages
of
this
world
alone.
"
-The
Lord
of
the
Rings
【终生不舍的爱】
7.
"It
doesn't
matter
if
the
guy
is
perfect
or
the
girl
is
perfect,
as
long
as
they
are
perfect
for
each
other.
"
-Good
Will
Hunting
【最佳的匹配】
8.
"Take
love,
multiply
it
by
infinity
and
take
it
to
the
depths
of
forever.
.
.
and
you
still
have
only
a
glimpse
of
how
much
love
you.
"
-Meet
Joe
Black
【无尽情感的陈述】
9.
"You
are
everything
never
knew
always
wanted.
"
-Fools
Rush
In
【缘分的相遇】
10.
"I
came
here
tonight
because
when
you
realize
you
want
to
spend
the
rest
of
your
life
with
somebody,
you
want
the
rest
of
your
life
to
start
as
soon
as
possible.
"
-When
Harry
Met
Sally
【浪漫的开始】
11.
"Just
when
think
that
it
is
impossible
to
love
you
any
more,
you
prove
me
wrong.
"
-When
Harry
Met
Sally
【无限的爱情】
12.
"I
love
you
without
knowing
how,
or
when,
or
from
where.
love
you
straightforwardly,
without
complexities
or
pride;
so
love
you
because
know
no
other
way.
"
-Pablo
Neruda
【单纯的爱】
13.
"I
could
die
right
now,
I’m
just
happy,
I’m
happy.
"
-The
Notebook
【心满意足的幸福】
14.
"I
love
that
you
get
cold
when
it's
degrees
out.
love
that
it
takes
you
an
hour
and
a
half
to
order
a
sandwich.
love
that
you
get
a
little
crinkle
in
your
nose
when
you're
looking
at
me
like
I'm
nuts.
love
that
after
spend
the
day
with
you,
can
still
smell
your
perfume
on
my
clothes.
And
love
that
you
are
the
last
person
want
to
talk
to
before
go
to
sleep
at
night.
And
it's
not
because
I'm
lonely,
and
it's
not
because
it's
New
Year's
Eve.
came
here
tonight
because
when
you
realize
you
want
to
spend
the
rest
of
your
life
with
somebody,
you
want
the
rest
of
your
life
to
start
as
soon
as
possible.
"
-When
Harry
Met
Sally
【珍爱你的所有】
15.
"I
wish
knew
how
to
quit
you.
"
-Brokeback
Mountain
【止不住的爱情】
16.
"But
the
heart's
not
like
a
box
that
gets
filled
up.
It
expands
in
size
the
more
you
love.
"
-Her
【爱越深,心越有容纳】
17.
"I
vow
to
fiercely
love
you
in
all
your
forms,
now
and
forever.
promise
to
never
forget
that
this
is
a
once
in
a
lifetime
love.
"
-The
Vow
【始终如一的承诺】
18.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
And
that's
what
you've
given
me.
"
-The
Notebook
【唤醒灵魂的爱】
19.
"I
want
all
of
you,
forever,
you
and
me,
every
day.
"
-The
Notebook
【永恒的当下】
20.
"I
thought
understood
it,
that
could
grasp
it.
But
didn't,
not
really.
Only
the
smudgeness
of
it;
the
pink-slippered,
all-containered,
semi-precious
eagerness
of
it.
didn't
realize
it
would
sometimes
be
more
than
whole,
that
the
wholeness
was
a
rather
luxurious
idea.
Because
it's
the
halves
that
halve
you
in
half.
didn't
know,
don't
know,
about
the
in-between
bits;
the
gory
bits
of
you,
and
the
gory
bits
of
me.
"
-Atonement
【生活中的每一个转折】