1.
"Life
is
full
of
tough
decisions,
but
every
choice
we
make
defines
who
we
are.
"
【选择困难症】
2.
"Sometimes
the
hardest
thing
and
the
right
thing
are
the
same.
"
【面对抉择】
3.
"It's
not
about
making
the
right
choice,
it's
about
making
a
choice
and
making
it
right.
"
【做决定不后悔】
4.
"Choices
are
the
hinges
of
destiny.
"
【命运掌握在自己手中】
5.
"The
greatest
mistake
you
can
make
in
life
is
to
be
continually
fearing
you
will
make
one.
"
【害怕犯错】
6.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
sometimes
we
get
lost
along
the
way.
But
the
courage
to
keep
going
is
the
key
to
finding
our
way
back.
"
【选择路途无尽】
7.
"When
faced
with
two
choices,
simply
toss
a
coin.
It
works
not
because
it
settles
the
question
for
you,
but
because
in
that
brief
moment
when
the
coin
is
in
the
air,
you
suddenly
know
which
side
you're
hoping
for.
"
【抛硬币决定】
8.
"You
have
brains
in
your
head.
You
have
feet
in
your
shoes.
You
can
steer
yourself
any
direction
you
choose.
"
【自己决定自己的人生】
9.
"If
you
don't
make
a
choice,
someone
else
will
make
it
for
you.
"
【别人替你做主】
10.
"It's
better
to
be
at
the
bottom
of
the
ladder
you
want
to
climb
than
at
the
top
of
the
one
you
don't.
"
【选择符合自己心意的事业】
11.
"The
choices
we
make
dictate
the
life
we
lead.
"
【选择塑造生活】
12.
"You
can't
make
everyone
happy,
so
make
sure
you're
making
the
right
people
happy.
"
【不能取悦所有人】
13.
"In
between
two
good
choices,
choose
the
one
that
challenges
you
to
be
better.
"
【选择迎接挑战】
14.
"If
you
want
to
be
happy,
be.
"
【选择的影响力】
15.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
what-ifs
and
regrets.
Make
a
choice
and
stick
to
it.
"
【不后悔不犹豫】
16.
"If
you
don't
stand
for
something,
you
will
fall
for
anything.
"
【有所坚持的选择】
17.
"The
only
thing
standing
between
you
and
your
goals
is
the
bullshit
story
you
keep
telling
yourself.
"
【做出积极选择】
18.
"Sometimes
the
best
thing
you
can
do
is
not
think,
not
wonder,
not
imagine,
not
obsess.
Just
breathe
and
have
faith
that
everything
will
work
out
for
the
best.
"
【有信仰的人生选择】
19.
"If
you
don't
like
something,
change
it.
If
you
can't
change
it,
change
your
attitude.
"
【用积极的心态看待选择的后果】
20.
"Life
is
a
series
of
natural
and
spontaneous
changes.
Don't
resist
them;
that
only
creates
sorrow.
Let
reality
be
reality.
Let
things
flow
naturally
forward
in
whatever
way
they
like.
"
【接受生活的变化与选择的结果】